Karachi Office
F-67, Block-5, Clifton 
Karachi, 75600
Tel: (+9221) 35875833-34
Fax: (+9221) 35875958

Lahore Office
156-1, Scotch Corner,
Upper Mall, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: (+9242) 35871081-82
Fax: (+9242) 35871083
Islamabad Office


Information Technology and Telecommunications

Our team regularly advises banks and companies in relation to acquisition of software applications as well as on software license agreements, and IT outsourcing agreements.

Advisors to Banks & Companies for Software Acquisition & IT Services Contacts

Our team regularly advises banks and companies in relation to acquisition of software applications as well as on software license agreements, IT outsourcing agreements, software and hardware maintenance contracts, service level contracts and escrow agreements pertaining to software acquisition. The firm has represented and advised Pakistan’s leading information technology companies in relation to source code protection, and the export software in compliance of the regulations of the State Bank of Pakistan. The firm has also been engaged to advise Facebook and Amazon in relation to regulatory requirements in Pakistan.


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