Karachi Office
F-67, Block-5, Clifton 
Karachi, 75600
Tel: (+9221) 35875833-34
Fax: (+9221) 35875958

Lahore Office
156-1, Scotch Corner,
Upper Mall, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: (+9242) 35871081-82
Fax: (+9242) 35871083
Islamabad Office

Our offices

Schedule your visit with us.

Karachi Office

F-67, Block-5, Clifton 
Karachi, 75600
Tel: (+9221) 35875833-34
Fax: (+9221) 35875958

Lahore Office

156-1, Scotch Corner,
Upper Mall, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: (+9242) 35871081-82
Fax: (+9242) 35871083

Islamabad Office

Work inquiries

Fill in this form or send us an e-mail with your inquiry.