Karachi Office
F-67, Block-5, Clifton 
Karachi, 75600
Tel: (+9221) 35875833-34
Fax: (+9221) 35875958

Lahore Office
156-1, Scotch Corner,
Upper Mall, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: (+9242) 35871081-82
Fax: (+9242) 35871083
Islamabad Office


Employment Law

We provide legal advice and representation to our domestic and international clients in relation to all matters pertaining to employment, labour and human resource.

We Provide Legal Counsel and Representation to Matters of Employment, Labour & Human Resources.

We provide legal advice and representation to our domestic and international clients in relation to all matters pertaining to employment, labour and human resource. Such services include advice in relation to hiring and firing, regulatory requirements and dispute resolution. We have represented companies, employees and civil servants before Superior Courts, labour tribunals and Service Tribunals.

The Firm advises SAP, Lotte Chemicals, Ontex Pakistan and regularly advises Hashwani Hotels, Arabtec, NICL, Tameer Bank, NLC and Qatar Airways in relation to all its employment issues. Lawyers from the firm were also involved in a successful class action by employees claiming pension against the State Bank of Pakistan and have also been called upon to contribute to the International Labour Case Law Journal published by the Hague Institute for Global Justice.


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